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Пергаменты и старинные книги ))

Green Elfy: Фоты, подходящие под категорию старинных рукописей, пергаментов и книг - сюда)

Ответов - 26, стр: 1 2 All

Green Elfy: Саруманов учебник)) За картинки спасибо Melfalas`у

Green Elfy: А вот в Инете случайно нашла)) Пергамент аля эльфы)

Норлин: Здорово! Еще бы знать, что там написано.

Green Elfy: А вот ето моих грязных рук дело: кривенько правда, но все же)) это уже более поздний шедевр

Норлин: Здорово!

Green Elfy: Норлин спасиб)) последний я рисовала для классной руководительницы на Последний Звонок, атм спектакль ка краз был в тему)) Видели бы вы мальчика,к оторый должен был его в слух читать

Madame Antoinette: Green Elfy это ты сама так на тенгваре пишешь? хотя последнее по ходу не тенгвар, простите...

Норлин: Green Elfy пишет: Видели бы вы мальчика,к оторый должен был его в слух читать Бедняга... Лучше бы ты ему на тенгваре написала.

Madame Antoinette: Норлин я хочу посмотреть на мальчика))))у меня сейчас совершенно подавленное настроение...

Green Elfy: Madame Antoinette пишет: я хочу посмотреть на мальчика)))) щас у строим)) Вот оно)) Нимагу смотреть спокойно на выражение его лица

Melfalas: Green Elfy Наконецто я его увидел во всей красе, ну в смысле свиток))))

Melfalas: Green Elfy Оу, мне тут спасибо говорят, а я не згал)))) Норлин Для книги сарумана есть перевод на инглише у меня))))

Норлин: Green Elfy Да уж! Melfalas Перекинь перевод, плиз. Или сюда выложи.

Melfalas: Абязательно, как тока выдасться минутка вытащить его со старого компа - перекину

Норлин: Melfalas Жду.

Madame Antoinette: Green Elfy какой милый мальчик!)))

Melfalas: Специально для Норлин нашёл. Перевод страний идёт строго в той последовательности, в какой выложила картинки Ксюха. Page 1 ascension of the red star of sauron when earedil is already in the heavens the influence of earendil cannot be underestimated the silmaril of earendil is forever (beyond?) grasp but the remaining two must be recoverable feanors writings themselves be accessible in rivendell if a way could be devised gain time (among?) elronds chambers elronds library is rumoured to be far more extensive even than that of minas tirith Page 2 anduin has been yeilding up more of its secrets these spiral shapes must be due to sauron himself i have heard tell of these shapes appearing in vast numbers on the shores of the great sea alignments of the heavens may cause greater profusions of these at various times tilion appears to have some infuluence on the waters of the great sea itself the red star of sauron joins these alignments at various times with the possibility that all effects are mag nified Page 3 (days?) to the (?e??e?t?) of both elves and dwarves each learned much (craft?) from the other and many of the most beautiful works were made of mithril it could be beaten like copper and pol ished like glass and the dwarves could make of it a metal light and yet harder than tempered steel its beauty was that of common silver but the beauty of mithril- hithaeglir the mountains of mist where the site of the greatest of all the mansions of the dwarves hathod rond called by the dwarves khazad dum but later known as moria the black pit great were the delvings of nogrod and beleg ost in ered luin but hathodrond was greater and more ancient (????) in the first age of the the doors of durin lord of moria (say?) friend and enter the friendship between elves and the naug rim is recorded in the smaller inscript ion below narvi was among the greatest of the dwarvish craftsmen the doors disp lay the hammer and anvil emblems of durin the tree of the high elves and the star of the house of feanor shining brightly in the center much traffic flowed throw these doors in those Page 4 the gate of moria on the west side lie seventy leagues north of isengard as the crow flies but perhaps eighty - five leagues on foot three days march from the western spur of methedras the uruk hai can cover the distance in two days if they are offered man flesh as an extra incentive when feet must fly and time is nigh then all things pass to stone and grass the ravens fly and so must i Page 5 and more manflesh to satiate the wargs. horseflesh from rohan may provide the answer --infiltrate edoras-- horseflesh may be useful for the uruk-hai also. the latest crop are the strongest yet. greater heat over a longer period seems to increase the yield also during the first incbation the right amount of decay produces incredible heat and the hatching is thereby accelerated several times. (a small note difficult to read) a (winter?) gestation seems to produce stronger uruk-hai if these observations prove to be true another test Page 6 moria im narvi hain echant. celebrimbor o eregion teithant i thiw hin hithaeglir continues its march northward for another thirty leagues before an accesbible pass may be found at the eagles lair west-gate bruinen eregion caradhras celebdil sirannon fanuidhol the mountains of moria seventy leagues from methedras on the western flanks of the mountains of mist the other approach from the east passes too close to the golden wood where the awful galadriel has much influence. rohan steeds will travel faster than any other. try to steal one of the mearas. infiltrate med useld using wormtongue of the kings household. offer him the fair eowen for his own. Page 7 the west gate of moria has stood with its doors closed since sauron made war on the elves of eregion and celebrimbor was slain. the ithildin designs on the doors pispl(ay) the star of the house of feanor, the hammer and anvil emblems of durin and the tree of the high elves concerning moria hithaeglir the mountains of mist where the site of the great(est) of all the mansions of the dwarves --the doors of durin lord of moria-- speak friend and enter is inscribed on the arch and underneath are the words of the makers of the doors --i narvi made them. celebrimbor of hollin drew these signs-- the inscription needed to open the doors is not mentioned here at all Page 8 narvi and celebrimbor seem to have left no clue as to the secret of opening the doors c n ennyn durin aran moria pedo mellon a minno im narvi hain echant celebrimbor o eregion teithant i thiw hin feanors star seems to react to some invocations d the west gate doors of moria check minas tirith records for possible opening words

Норлин: Melfalas Спасибо!!! Побежала разбирать!

Melfalas: НорлинНзчт)))

Anor: Книга Мазарбул, Книга Арвен.


Anor: Надпись на языке Истерлингов, Книга Сарумана, Моё скромное творчество стих А Элберет Гилтониэль.

Green Elfy: Anor ух! какая красота! спасибо)))


Аделаида: падсталом в экстазе... спасибки всем...

Линда: У меня есть копия Кольца. Точь в точь похоже. Только ся надпись не влезла.

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